Tikiyaki Minus Orchestra

While I’ve written mostly lately about supporting bars and restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, artists of all types are also in a bind. Bands can’t play shows, and live music sustains working bands - streaming sure as hell doesn’t keep the lights on or the amps plugged in.

One of my all-time favorite bands is The Tikiyaki Orchestra (sometimes appearing as Tikiyaki 5-0). Band leader Jim Bacchi has decided to use this downtime by doing some home recording as Tikiyaki Minus Orchestra and has just posted a 4-song EP called “Sketches with guitar and bongos“ to Bandcamp. $5 cheap, and you can elect to pay more if you are so inclined.

Go have a listen, and if you aren’t yet familiar with the rest of the Tikiyaki Orchestra discography, then go get that also.

Thanks Jim!