Magic Mountain Mondays #15: A View from Sky Tower

Speaking of the Sky Tower, here’s a sample view from the observation deck. In this photo, you’re looking towards the front of the park, with both Hurricane Harbor and Flashback in view, along with other park elements. One such element, on the left and viewable under Colossus, is a 2-person raft ride in a tube on the Magic Mountain side of the wall splitting it from Hurricane Harbor. Huh? Why was this in MM proper? While it didn’t last long, it was kinda-sorta a view of things to come with many regional parks where the theme park and the water park are one and the same. We’ll see more of this weird ride soon.

In August of 1995, I took a bunch of photos (on film no less) at Six Flags Magic Mountain using an inexpensive camera. I was working as an Operations supervisor at the time, and the purpose of the project was to create a slide show for an employee appreciation party for our Operations staff. I’ve carted these slides around for over 25 years and I finally had them digitally transferred this year. About 2/3s of them aren’t available for posting because they are crew pictures and I have no way to request permission to post them. But I do have 50+ available that are just various shots of the park. Enjoy this time capsule from August 1995.