Magic Mountain Mondays #25: Gordon Gear Works

It was only Gordon Gear Works for a short time. Apparently the DC license that SFMM had use of didn’t include the commissioner. And so it became Grinder Gear Works. I guess the name change was discussed late on a Friday. First thought, best thought and all that.

Oh, and hey - this ride is right outside the office of the VP of Operations. Be careful on that microphone.

In August of 1995, I took a bunch of photos (on film no less) at Six Flags Magic Mountain using an inexpensive camera. I was working as an Operations supervisor at the time, and the purpose of the project was to create a slide show for an employee appreciation party for our Operations staff. I’ve carted these slides around for over 25 years and I finally had them digitally transferred this year. About 2/3s of them aren’t available for posting because they are crew pictures and I have no way to request permission to post them. But I do have 50+ available that are just various shots of the park. Enjoy this time capsule from August 1995.